Island Casino
Calendar of Events
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Sal Demilio from “The Bob and Tom Show” and the movies “Intent” and “Detour Detroit”
Sal Demilio from “The Bob and Tom Show” and the movies “Intent” and “Detour Detroit”
When Sal Demilio steps onto the comedy stage, he looks suspiciously like every henchman who has ever been cast in a movie about the mob. His intimidating presence fills the room… six foot three inches tall, barrel-chested and way more Italian than the Olive Garden. But then he smiles… and the room lights up. And [...]
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Nathan Timmel as heard on The Bob and Tom Show
Nathan Timmel as heard on The Bob and Tom Show
Nathan was the only child running around the playground shouting the "Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say On Television." Thus, began his comedy career. Since those auspicious beginnings, Nathan has: performed at comedy clubs across the country, recorded several comedy CD's which receive regular airplay on both Sirius and XM satellite radio, and visited the [...]
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Bob Jay as seen on Comedy Central
Bob Jay as seen on Comedy Central
Bob Jay is a master at voices and impressions, a skilled comedian and an all-around crowd pleaser who can relate to any audience. Bob Jay’s show is full of energy and will keep you on the edge of your seat! Bob brings dozens of celebrities and cartoon characters to life with his voices, and will [...]
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Larry Reeb as seen on HBO, Showtime, FOX, PBS and more
Larry Reeb as seen on HBO, Showtime, FOX, PBS and more
Known as Uncle Lar', Larry Reeb is the wise-cracking black sheep, politically incorrect relative everyone knows. Like any concerned relative Uncle Lar' wants to help. So in his own twisted way he does. He gives you "tips". Uncle Lar' offers tips on everything from marriage to lotteries to children. Always topping them off with, "That's [...]